Thursday, January 17, 2013

[bccosx Error] sysmac.h(65): E2209 Unable to open include file 'CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h'

Mac OS X  Client 端需安裝 XCode command line tools.
安裝方法 :



Xcode Is Required on the Mac for C++ and FMX

Xcode is the development and debug environment on the Mac, and provides the required development files for OS X applications.

Installing Xcode on Your Mac

You can install Xcode from any of the following sources:
  • On your "Mac OS X Install" DVD, under Optional Installs, double-click Xcode.mpkg to install Xcode on your system.
  • At the Mac App Store, download Xcode for free.
  • As a registered Apple Developer, you can download the free version of Xcode. To register and then download Xcode:
    1. Register (free of charge) as an Apple Developer at
    2. Go to the Mac Dev Center
    3. Click the View in Mac App Store link associated with Xcode, and download Xcode to your Mac.

Installing Xcode Command Line Tools (for C/C++ Development)

A clean install of the Lion operating system (OS X 107), even with Xcode, does not contain /usr/include. You also need to install the Xcode command-line tools.
You can download the command line tools in either of two ways:
To install the necessary Xcode tools from the Web:
You can download the Xcode command line tools directly from the developer portal as a .dmg file.
  1. On the Mac, go to
    You are asked for your Apple Developer login during the install process.
  2. On the "Downloads for Apple Developers" list, select the Command Line Tools entry that you want.
To install the necessary Xcode tools from Xcode:
  1. Start Xcode on the Mac.
  2. Choose Preferences from the Xcode menu.
  3. In the General panel, click Downloads.
  4. On the Downloads window, choose the Components tab.
  5. Click the Install button next to Command Line Tools.
    You are asked for your Apple Developer login during the install process.

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[Qt] 執行檔需要哪些 Dll?

 1. 使用 Qt  的 windeployqt.exe 工具 (在 C:\Qt\Qt5.14.1\5.14.1\msvc2017\bin\)。   a. 把執行檔 myProgram.exe 放在某個資料夾。   b. 在檔案總管這個資料夾按 Shift 和滑鼠右鍵,開啟 Po...