Thursday, March 17, 2016

[C++ Builder] Embarcadero C++ XE10 Builder make Android App prompts error message: [Idandroid error] "Id" exited with code 1

This happened when using NDK r10e.

After replaced NDK to  r9c as Embarcadero recommanded, the problem solved.

BTW, NDK r9d also works.

But, compiler prompts other error messages when using NDK r11

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

[Open StreetMap] Folder of offline map tiles for OSMDroid



Note: This folder ([MapquestOSM]) is created automatically to store cache map tiles download from the Internet by OSMDroid app. It is different from the corresponding folder name mentioned at the reference above, but it works.  

Saturday, March 12, 2016

[Embarcadero RAD XE10 Seattle] Installation Notes - Disk space requirement

[2016.07.20 Edit] Install XE10.1 Berlin at D:.

C: > 26.9 GB
D: > 30 GB

Install main program at D:, and others at C:, download file at removable disk.

C:  > 27 GB
D:  > 30 GB
T:  > 30 GB

Boost for XE10 requires additional disk space


[Qt] 執行檔需要哪些 Dll?

 1. 使用 Qt  的 windeployqt.exe 工具 (在 C:\Qt\Qt5.14.1\5.14.1\msvc2017\bin\)。   a. 把執行檔 myProgram.exe 放在某個資料夾。   b. 在檔案總管這個資料夾按 Shift 和滑鼠右鍵,開啟 Po...